There really is no such thing as an unsolvable problem – only untrained or unwilling people. It’s that simple.  People either don’t know how or don’t want to for various reasons.  Understanding each of these barriers and how to break through...

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  The typical explanation is that your vision is “where you’re going” and your strategic plan is “how you’ll get there.”  Lack of clarity in either or both areas creates all sorts of problems for most organizations.   Here are the...

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There’s an abundance of poor presentations with bad business cases these days.  Attend an important business meeting or local city council meeting and you’ll likely see extensive debate.  There may even be tempers and ill-will.  It seems like anywhere there...

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This title is borrowed from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, one of the most inspiring speeches in history.  As another election season has ended, I believe we’re in need of some inspiration.  Regardless of the issues that passed or failed and the...

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